Agua Bienestar Atlitic: Affordable Water Supply in Mexico City

The Agua Bienestar Atlitic program in Mexico City provides purified water at low cost, ensuring quality and accessibility for communities in need. Daily distribution of 1,050 garrafones aims to expand significantly, improving public health.

Agua Bienestar Atlitic: Affordable Water Supply in Mexico City

The Agua Bienestar Atlitic program in Mexico City, led by the Head of Government Clara Brugada, has been expanded to 35 neighborhoods, districts, and towns, where 1,050 jerrycans are distributed daily for only five pesos each. This has been made possible due to obtaining the Operating Notice on the 'DIGIPRiS' platform of Cofepris.

The distribution points for the Agua Bienestar Atlitic jerrycans are Pilares, Utopías, community centers, and citizen attention modules located in all municipalities of Mexico City. To date, 1,050 jerrycans are being delivered daily in 35 locations, totaling 5,250 jerrycans per week.

The goal for this year is to gradually increase distribution to 100,000 jerrycans per week, which equates to 20,000 jerrycans daily distributed across 500 points in the city.

Regarding the quality of the water distributed by Agua Bienestar Atlitic, it is highlighted that it has the necessary accreditations to ensure compliance with the quality standards required for human consumption. This program aims to support communities in areas of low social development and with water stress by providing purified water at affordable prices.

The Ministry of Integral Water Management has conducted various laboratory studies in accordance with official Mexican standards, ensuring the quality of water intended for human consumption. The results of tests carried out at the Central Laboratory of Segiagua are backed by regulations that guarantee the competence and quality of testing and calibration laboratories.